What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis affects 50% of women worldwide and is one of the most severe causes of infertility. 

Endometriosis comes from the word ‘Endometrium,’ which is the lining in the uterus that your body creates each month for egg implantation to take place.

If conception doesn’t occur during a particular month, then your body sheds the endometrium, and a menstrual cycle occurs.

In some cases, the Endometrial tissue moves through the fallopian tube and into the abdomen. When this happens, it can cause the tissue to attach to other organs. The hormones produced in the next menstrual cycle stimulates this tissue to multiply and then sheds just like the tissue in the uterus. However, both a menstrual cycle and tissue shedding creates havoc in the body, which in turn causes inflammation and irritation of that tissue. The inflammation causes pain, discomfort, and for many, infertility.

Symptom of Endometriosis

The most common symptoms of Endometriosis includes:

  1. Discomfort and or pain before and during a menstrual cycle
  2. Painful intercourse
  3. Infertility
  4. Abnormal bleeding cycles
  5. Fatigue

However, what is worrying about Endometriosis is that often, a woman will have no symptoms.

Endometriosis and Fertility

The inflammation caused by the Endometriosis can affect fertility. Inflammation of the fimbria, which transports the egg into the fallopian tube, causes swelling and scarring so the egg may not be delivered. The inflammation can also damage sperm and eggs within the hostile environment created by the Endometriosis. In more severe cases, Endometriosis can cause adhesions and can block the fallopian tubes.

Once Endometriosis has formed a cyst on your ovary (which is known as an Endometrioma), Endometriosis can be detected with a sonogram; otherwise, a medical professional can only make a diagnosis with laparoscopy. This minor surgery involves the insertion of a scope through the umbilicus and into the abdomen. During the laparoscopy, Endometriosis can be treated with laser or surgical removal.

Depending on the severity, treatment for Endometriosis can include:

Fortunately, fertility can be improved even if diagnosed with Endometriosis. The hormones produced while pregnant can cause most of the Endometriosis to disappear. 

If conception is impossible for a woman with Endometriosis, a laparoscopy would be necessary. After that, fertilisation usually occurs within the first few months following the surgical procedure.

If you are concerned and or you are suffering from any one of the symptoms, please get in touch with us; our expert specialists are always on hand to assist you.