Our Incredible LGBT Family

Transgender people accept their sexual identity; however, they often feel misunderstood by both the straight and LGBT communities. As the stigma against transgender people decreases, more people are transitioning to their true gender identity. We spoke to a loving mother whose daughter and son-in-law are an LGBT couple who have had children via IVF. Her son-in-law […]

Yoga For Fertility

Yoga For Fertility Expert Q&A with Tara Williams   Tara Williams of Yoga Mama has joined our Sister Clinic, HART Fertility, as their resident Fertility Yogi Expert. Tara is a yoga instructor and a life/parenting coach. She creates a safe-haven for couples and or parents on their fertility journey.  Tara says, “We store so much in our […]

Introducing Kinny Ramoeng

Introducing Kinny Ramoeng EDSA’s Egg Donation Coordinator A true professional, Kinny Ramoeng, balances her care for the egg donor with ensuring the best chance of success for recipients undergoing treatment. Kinny takes time to get to know each donor, ensuring each experience is comfortable and memorable and that donors are supported at every stage of […]

How Nutrition Can Affect Your Fertility

How Nutrition Can Affect Your Fertility Expert Q&A: Kirby Hendrichs As fertility experts, we feel it is essential to highlight the importance of changing your lifestyle and eating habits if you are struggling to conceive; correctly nourishing your body can significantly increase your chances of falling pregnant. September was PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) Awareness Month. Why […]