The 7 Signs of Infertility

If you have been unable to fall pregnant naturally although you have been trying for a while, there may be underlying fertility issues that need to be addressed and treated. However, please rest assured that many problems can be rectified, which can increase your chances of successfully conceiving a child.

Infertility itself is formally categorised as the inability to conceive naturally, after having tried for at least a year. The underlying infertility issues may lie with either you or your partner. Or it may be down to a combination of issues.  But as with any other medical matter, it is important to figure out the cause before the problem can be solved.

There are many explanations as to why a couple may be struggling with infertility – Research has shown that:

The first step is to find out whether there is a chance you, your partner or both of you may be infertile. But what would the doctor need to determine?




Whether you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS):

You have Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI):

You have blocked fallopian tubes:

You have Endometriosis:

You have physical problems with the uterus:

You have uterine fibroids:

Sperm does not fertilise the egg:

So if you believe you could be suffering from any of the above, we urge you to book an appointment with a fertility clinic to undergo tests, so as to determine the cause of infertility.

Many problems can be solved which could increase your chances of successfully conceiving a child, including finding the perfect egg and or sperm donor should that be your only option after diagnosis. 

Remember to stay positive and be kind to yourself through the journey, no matter how hard. We are here, right by your side, every step of the way!

Love EDSA x



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