Introducing Kinny Ramoeng

EDSA’s Egg Donation Coordinator

A true professional, Kinny Ramoeng, balances her care for the egg donor with ensuring the best chance of success for recipients undergoing treatment. Kinny takes time to get to know each donor, ensuring each experience is comfortable and memorable and that donors are supported at every stage of the process.

We sat down with Kinny, our Egg Donation Coordinator, to ask her some questions about her role at our clinic.

What do your day-to-day responsibilities look like at EDSA?

I am the main point of contact between the egg donor, her recipient, and the clinic. I ensure the donor understands each process and can follow the instructions given to her by the clinic to the best of her ability. My role is to represent both the donor and recipient’s interests in a donation cycle in a nutshell.

What are you most passionate about in terms of what you do?

I love seeing people get more than what they had hoped for. Being an egg donor is empowering. Donors get to learn more about their bodies, their reproductive, and overall health.

Many donors have never been to a gynaecologist, a psychologist, or have the range of blood and genetic tests we offer. The process gives them pause to consider themselves holistically.

I also love watching the process of seeing someone give another a special, life-defining gift and the recipient receiving it with such wonder, all with no strings attached! It’s a cycle of grace. And I never tire of being a witness to it.

What are the main criteria when it comes to finding the perfect egg donor?

She must be between the ages of 18 and 29, have a BMI between 19 and 30, and not have a history of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia in first-degree family members or grandparents.

How many egg donors do you recruit every month?

We recruit approximately three to four donors a month.

What is the most challenging aspect of recruiting egg/sperm donors?

A lot of prospective donors come with preconceptions about what donating involves. So, I am always enthusiastic about educating people. Egg donation is safe, fuss-free, and highly regulated. South Africa has some of the world’s best laws as relates to gamete (egg & sperm) donation.

How long have you been with EDSA/DESA?

Nine years!

Do you have any hobbies?

Reading literary fiction long walks with friends. Camping as I enjoy distilling life to basic pleasures like that. If I could listen to only one song for the rest of my life, it would be “No Regrets” by Aesop Rock.

Tell us one thing people may not know about you?

I’m curious and enjoy learning. I love astronomy and will endure anything to watch a clear night sky. It’s such a gift!

Find out more about Kinny here.

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