Mind-Body-Soul Wholeness
Roughly one in seven couples have trouble falling pregnant. Infertility is a legitimate concern, and fertility experts believe that infertility cases will continue to rise. Many causes of infertility come down to everyday lifestyle.
Given the devastating pandemic we now find ourselves in, we have been exposed to extremely high-stress levels; whether through the loss of work, relationship breakdowns, loss of income. And while going through immense stress, often our choice of diets are not always favourable. Takeouts and Convenience foods, such as microwave meals is an everyday occurrence that most of the population rely on, as it seems easier to manage. Yet, we are effectively neglecting our well-being and overall health.
Given the above, we must stress that not ALL fertility concerns come down to lifestyle. To get to the root of infertility, tests will need to be undertaken by Fertility Specialists. However, there is no reason why, in the meantime, you cannot start making changes in terms of your health to boost your fertility.
Stress, lack of exercise, hormone imbalances, and poor eating habits can seriously hinder fertility. Thankfully, today’s advances in medical technology can solve many infertility issues. Going for a Fertility Assessment at your chosen Fertility clinic will quickly determine what the problem is. It could often be as simple as implementing lifestyle changes, which could increase your chances of conceiving naturally.
Fertility wellness comes from not just physical health but from mental and spiritual wholeness too.
We have listed our favourite Mind-Body-Soul wholeness tips below that we feel will aid in boosting fertility. Natural Health Practice, Mindfulness, and Nutrition are three of the most powerful tools we have to do just that:
Tip # 1: Reduce Your Stress Levels
- As impossible as this may seem right now, stress is the number one culprit for hormonal imbalances, menstrual cycles, and ovulation concerns.
- When trying to conceive, couples endure ongoing stress when they cannot fall pregnant. The more pressure you take on, the less likely you will menstruate or ovulate.
- Find ways to de-stress your mind and your body.
- Find a Fertility Coach who can work closely to prepare your mind and body to become parents’ goals.
Tip # 2: Eat Healthy & Nutritious Food
Nourishing the body with whole and natural foods is vital. We mean preparing food from scratch and being connected with the meals you prepare and consume.
- While trying to conceive, your eating habits are essential. Fertility boosting ingredients, smoothies, and juices do wonders for your body and well-being. So, as of today, start eliminating unhealthy food lurking around in your pantry.
- Please stay away from processed or pre-cooked meals from supermarkets mass-produced, as they smack of artificial additives and way too much salt.
- Forging a relationship with your food is the first step to creating harmony within; imbalances with your hormones will start to settle first and foremost.
- Increase your intake of fruit, raw vegetables, organic proteins, and avoid refined wheat and sugar where possible. Always keep in mind that all “man-made” products have very little nutritional value to them.
- We work closely with Kirby Hendricks, who is a qualified Dietitian. Kirby believes in taking a holistic approach to getting to the root of body imbalances; She uses an individualised approach to create a path to healing. Her areas of expertise are genetics, PCOS, endometriosis, gut complications, anxiety, and insulin resistance.
Tip # 3: Get Quality Sleep
Sleep deprivation is detrimental not only to our body but to hormonal health.
- Create a tranquil space that can be your sanctuary in the evening; this facilitates restful sleep that your mind and body truly deserve.
- Avoid mental stimulation at night, such as television, your phone, or your laptop.
- Set a curfew in the evening where you switch off all technology to create a period of “me” time before bed-time so that you can wind down from the day’s stresses and worries.
- Having a warm bath or shower just before bed-time is the perfect way to send you off into a blissful slumber.
- Avoid stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine, and sugar in the evenings, as these can severely affect your sleep.
Tip # 4: Detox
Detoxing regularly is very important, especially for fertility well-being. We would strongly suggest that you do not go cold turkey; however, as this will cause more harm than good – it is more about finding the right balance.
- If you are a smoker, start working on a plan where you begin to cut-down and eventually stop completely; set yourself a date and find a buddy who can keep you accountable. Don’t forget to reward yourself at every milestone.
- Cut down on alcohol consumption as this dramatically impacts your fertility.
- Buy yourself a juicer or a Nutribullet and make your fresh juices at home. There are so many fantastic recipes available you can get creative when it comes to purifying your body! Get in touch with Kirby Hendricks, who has some incredible recipes for smoothies and juices.
Tip # 5: Be Kind To Yourself
- Often during stressful times, we forget that an essential step in the fertility well-being process is to be kind to ourselves first and foremost. When we criticise ourselves, it manifests MORE stress, anxiety, and hormonal imbalances, which affect us physically and emotionally.
- Carve out time for yourselves every day to reflect, find acceptance, and to focus on mindfulness. Start a gratitude diary where you jot down five things in your life you are genuinely grateful for every day.
- Self-preservation and self-love are essential; leave post-it notes on the fridge or your mirror detailing mantras of love and gratitude.
- Buy yourself a daily mantra calendar that you can keep on your desk at work every day.
- Whatever you seek to do, this will start to create a positive flow around you, eventually becoming a natural positivity method.
Yes, not everything indeed works according to the plan, but miracles arrive in different ways. However, we often miss these through various sources because we are too focused on our planned future that we refuse to default on.
Our Mantra to you for today:
“I am a Warrior. I am Fierce, and I am Brave. I inhale Peace and exhale Stress.”
Mind-Body-Soul Wholeness (Part Two) to follow shortly.
If you liked this blog, be sure to read “New Year Fertility Fitness Resolutions and How to Keep Them”